my version:
1 package of Trader Joe's Chicken Spicy (ah hum Italian) sausages
1 bottle good beer
2 T. olive oil
1 c. chicken broth
2 onions sliced
6 red potatoes cubed
1/2 lg. jar of sauerkraut minus the juice
2 carrots gratted
1 apple cut up into matchsticks
-simmer the sausages in beer, olive oil and chicken broth for 10 min. remove the sausages from the broth.
-in a large pot, caramelize the onions in a splash of olive oil until the start to turn light brown. add potatoes and cook another 5 min. add sauerkraut, liquid from sausages and carrots. cover and cook on med for 10 min.
-add carrots and sausages back to pot as well as apple sticks. cook on low with the lid until potatoes are tender.
(this recipe originated from the latest Rachel Ray mag but i altered it a bit)
and then came dessert:
Pumpkin Flan
(serves 10)
1 1/2 c. sugar
1 12oz. can evaporated milk
1 14oz. can sweetened condensed milk
5 lg. eggs
1 1/2 t. Trader Joe's Pumpkin Pie Spice
1 15oz. can pumpkin puree
-preheat oven to 350*. in a medium saucepan over high heat, add the sugar and pour 2/3c. water around the perimeter. usinng a wooden spoon, cook, stiring until golden, about 5 min. lower the heat and cook until copper colored, (make sure it's nice and golden brown so the carmelized flavor is right) 1-2 min.
-i poured this mixture (all of it by mistake) into 6 ramekins vs. the one 10-in. pie pan as the recipe called for. next time i'll add less sugar.
-tilt to coat the bottom and sides of the dishes then place in a roasting pan.
-using a blender, combine the next remaining ingredients and poor into the ramekins (or pie pan). fill the roasting pan with enough water to come halfway up the sides of the ramekins. bake until set, 45-60 min. **mine only took 45**
-transfer ramekins to a rack to cool completely, about 45 minutes. refrigerate until the carmel is set, about 2 hours. invert onto a place.
-i had about 3 c. of the pumpkin mixture left which i froze for another time so this recipe definitely makes more than 6 ramekins worth.
these were DAMN good and oh so fall.
(this recipe also came from the same mag but once again adapted by me)